
DARETo help keep our children on the path to success, the Kansas Attorney General’s Office sponsors and coordinates the statewide DARE program. The DARE program has been present  in Kansas for over 25 years. In 1999 the legislature established the coordinator's office as a program in the Attorney General’s office. Since then, the efforts have grown to include School Resource Officers and GREAT Officers in addition to DARE officers. It is a cooperative effort between the three law enforcement programs that includes parents and  schools . 

D.A.R.E. lessons focus on the following objectives for all programs:

  • Acquiring knowledge and skills to recognize and resist peer pressure to experiment with tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
  • Enhancing self-esteem.
  • Learning about positive alternatives to substance use.
  • Building interpersonal and communications skills.
  • Learning conflict resolution skills.
  • Developing risk assessment and decision making skills.
  • Reducing violence.
  • Resisting gang involvement.

For more information about D.A.R.E. please visit: www.dare.org or contact us at (785) 213.8356.


Statewide DARE Coordinator
120 SW 10th Ave., 2nd Floor
Topeka, KS 66612-1597
(785) 213.8356

Send us an email.

Public Safety
